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Hands-on training for students in Bochemie 28. 6. 2023

At the end of school year, two students got a chance to do their compulsory practical hands-on training with us. A third-year student of the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics in Ostrava, specializing in electrical engineering, got acquainted with the work performed in the electro-mechanical workshop and also participated in the start-up of a new perforation line, which is part of our ACCU business focusing on industrial batteries as the final output.

A student from J. Heyrovsky Secondary School of Chemistry in Ostrava engaged in analyses of the physical and chemical properties of positive and negative battery materials in the laboratories of the Quality Control Department; the produced materials are subsequently used in industrial batteries.

We believe that the internship helped the students to compare their theoretical knowledge against practical experience and wish them a lot of success in their further studies.

Check out what else we offer to students: here.

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